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CashCall is an online lender that makes small loans — both single-payment and installment loans — to borrowers with low credit scores. CashCall’s  rates are as high as traditional payday loans in some cases, and lower than payday loans in others

2.0 out of 5.0 stars

CashCall Complaints

2.0 out of 5.0 stars

Fast & Easy Online Applications
Credit Card Alternative
24 Hour Approvals

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Over 20 BBB Complaints

CashCall is not what it says it is.

Here’s how it works: Let’s say you live in California and are looking to borrow $2600. Web site tells you what its commercial conveniently omits: that you only receive $2525, a full $75 less.

But it gets better (worse, actually). If you were to go ahead and take out a loan, you’d be paying nothing less than a 99.25% interest rate, which translate to 42 payments of $216.55 each. That amounts to $9095.10 you’re giving Cash Call – over $6500 for a $2500 loan. And the company reserves the right to change its rates, so you could actually end up paying even more.

And as outrageous as it sounds, a 99.5% interest rate is legal. Very few states have usury restrictions, so companies like Cash Call are free to charge whatever they please.

Bottom line? Fast cash sounds appealing, but in Cash Call’s case, it doesn’t pay. 

CashCall’s Customer Complaints Summary:

1 Advertising/Sales Complaint

22 Billing/Collections Complaints

1 Delivery Issues Complaints 

Total: 24 BBB Complaints 

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