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Prosper is an online lender that makes small loans — both single-payment and installment loans — to borrowers with low credit scores. Prosper‘s rates are as high as traditional payday loans in some cases, and lower than payday loans in others

2.0 out of 5.0 stars

Prosper Complaints

2.0 out of 5.0 stars

Fast & Easy Online Applications
Credit Card Alternative
24 Hour Approvals

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Over 140 BBB Complaints 

Prosper is a peer to peer lending company that offers personal loans at low rates. These loans are unsecured, which means you do not have to put up any collateral (like a house or car) that could get taken away if you can’t make payments. Each loan is typically funded by multiple people all over the United States. In this way, Prosper is a marketplace connecting those who need a loan to those who have extra money to lend.

However, not everybody has had a good experience getting a loan through them. There remain a number of problems that borrowers continue to face.

When people get a loan at Prosper, they realize their interest rates are higher than they can afford. Prosper also charges an origination fee based on credit and you’re limited to a 3- or 5-year loan term.

BBB Customer Complaints Summary:

27 Advertising / Sales Complaints

57 Billing and Collection Complaints

59 Problem with a Product or Service Complaints



Best 2020 Personal Loan Reviews

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